Textbook Rental Agreement


You have entered into a Rental Agreement with The Bookaneer Campus Store, Peninsula College to loan you one copy of a selected title(s). Rental textbooks are the intellectual property of the author(s) and are copyrighted by the author(s) or publishers. Textbook rentals are not to be reproduced. This rental agreement is only effective for the current quarter.

Per terms of this agreement, I will be responsible for the following:

  • I understand that the book(s) rented by me is/are the property of the Peninsula College Campus Store.
  • I understand and accept that it is my responsibility to return the book(s) rented on or before the due date.
  • I agree to be billed for the the full publisher’s price of the book(s) plus a $25 late fee if they are not returned on time, are damaged or missing, or if I fail to return the book(s) all together.
  • I accept responsibility of using and returning the book(s) to the Peninsula College Bookstore in the original rental condition and with any accompanying materials. New Books(s) will be returned clean, without writing, highlighting, notes, or water damage.
  • I authorize communication via email and/or phone from bookstore staff surrounding rental return date reminders, outstanding rentals and non-returned rental books.
  • I understand that if I fail to uphold any part of the “Rental Agreement,” my credit card on file will be charged and the bookstore has the right to collect all fees associated with this rental including, all past due accounts will be sent to collection agency and incur additional penalties and fees. My future registration, grades, and services will be blocked until all fees are paid in full.